EasyPZ Stay

EasyPZ Stay

Events in Penzance

Did you know that Penzance has a rich cultural history? Several famous events occur yearly in the town, including many reinventions and celebrations of Cornish and celtic traditions and history.

Golowan Festival and Mazey Day

The Golowan Festival is an annual pagan celebration. Penzance’s famous arts and culture festival, Golowan, takes place during a week every June. Golowan is the Cornish word for midsummer – and the festival is a celebration of just that. The festivities attract tens of thousands of visitors. There are several events during the week, culminating with the Mazey Day. During Mazey Day, the town turns into a big festival. People are in costumes, singing and dancing in the street. Throughout the day, artists, schools and community groups come together in parades.

Penzance’s Montol Festival

The Penzance’s Montol Festival takes place for six days in December. It is an art and community festival celebrating Cornish traditions and the winter solstice. The highlight is Montol Eve on the 21st of December when you will see locals dancing throughout town, many wearing traditional costumes. Their path is lit up by fires, ending at the burning of the Cornish Yule log. There is plenty of other entertainment, such as carol concerts and traditional English folk music performances.

The World Pilot Gig Championships, Isles of Scilly’s

Penzance is the port used to get to the beautiful Isles of Scilly’s. Every year, these little islands are the focus of a huge international competition – The World Pilot Gig Championships. The competition takes place during the May Day weekend.

Gig rowing is a popular sport in Penzance and all of Cornwall and has world-class champions.

Other popular events and festivals in the region include:

St Ives Food and Drink Festival, takes place in May.
Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival , takes place in June.
Tunes in the Dunes, Perranporth, takes place in May.


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